Shifting Suburbs: Reinventing Infrastructure for Compact Development
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Dan Eernissee   [ view bio ]
Terry Foegler   [ view bio ]
Rachel MacCleery   [ view bio ]
PDFShifting Suburbs Report.pdf
PDFShifting Suburbs Slides.pdf
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MP3Shifting Suburbs: Reinventing Infrastructure for Compact Development
As America’s suburbs grow in more compact ways-- with higher-density development clustered in nodes or along corridors and with increasing options for getting around without a car-- rethinking and reworking infrastructure can be essential.
A new report from ULI, Shifting Suburbs: Reinventing Infrastructure for Compact Development, highlights how eight suburban redevelopment projects tackled infrastructure challenges, and takes a look at how infrastructure was planned, funded and financed. From these case studies, the report distills winning strategies, stumbling blocks, and other lessons learned. The report’s case studies include:

  • Dublin, Ohio, and the Bridge Street Corridor
  • Aurora Corridor, Shoreline, Washington
  • Belmar, Lakewood, Colorado
  • State Road 7, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, Florida
  • White Flint/Rockville Pike, Montgomery County, Maryland
  • West End, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
  • Richardson, Texas
  • CityCentre, Houston, Texas

  • Join us for a ULI member’s only webinar releasing the report, with highlights of the report’s findings and exploration of implications for the future of suburban infrastructure.
    Seminar Information
    Seminar Date:
    December 18, 2012